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Personal Tax
Welcome to the Personal Tax section. This section provides a general overview of personal tax-related issues for individuals, including information on tax credits and reliefs. The most popular forms and useful FAQs are also provided.
Paye Tax Refunds in Ireland
If you're a PAYE (Pay as You Earn) worker, such as a receptionist, nurse or a teacher, your employer will deduct tax from your earnings. Most people don't know that they may be entitled to a refund of some of the tax paid during the year.
Máltai adóhivatal - Inland Revenue
The Inland Revenue is responsible to the government for the administration of the Income Tax and Capital Transfer Duty Acts and the enforcement of social security contributions under the direction of the Ministry of Finance.
A határok lebomlásával, a globalizációs folyamat szélesedésével egyre nagyobb érdeklődés irányul a külföldi munkavállaláshoz, vállalkozáshoz, befektetésekhez és más gazdasági eseményhez kapcsolódó adózási kötelezettségre. A jelen linkválogatás ehhez kíván segítséget nyújtani, mert két dolog biztos az életben: az elmúlás és az adózás.